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- <>
- @6}by zYLAX / PTK
- @3
- Amiga Frontier, now that sounds like a
- nice, respectable diskmag. Dedicated
- to bringing you the latest information
- on technical Amiga matters. It's
- serious! There's no time for jokes
- when there's a brand new hard drive to
- be reviewed. Yeah, that sounds about
- right. Nice and respectable.
- #3
- Looks like I was totally WRONG though!
- @2
- !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!
- @1
- I have now realised what people meant
- when they used to say that there were
- no serious Amiga users. I mistook it
- by thinking they were refering to the
- gamers. But no, they were simply
- saying that everyone that uses the
- Amiga is completely OUTTA THEIR HEAD!
- The guyz that make Amiga Frontier are
- prime examples of this, and that's a
- complement!
- Enough of all this wibbling (I'm not
- crazy, I'm a potato!), onto the actual
- mag. Amiga Frontier hails from the
- place they like to call Merseyside. A
- place where everybody wears pink
- shellsuits and says stuff like "EHH,
- YOU STARTIN' ??". (Oh shit, I bet
- I've begun something now!)
- Although, the sixth issue may have
- been released, at the time I am
- writing this, issue five is the latest
- one I have. This is yet another
- diskzine created using DMC Gold, which
- must be responsible for half the
- magazines in the PD scene at the
- moment. I'll only write about the
- last two issues because, although I
- have copies of them, issues one and
- two were never officially released and
- issue three has lost itself somewhere
- in the depths of my diskbox. Besides,
- MSCIM has told me that they may be
- re-releasing the first couple of
- editions at a later date.
- @2
- =/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=
- @1[2
- Amiga Frontier Five includes, like all
- the issues, one of AF's (ALElectronic
- Farts) famous intros. This time it is
- the UNOFFICIAL sequel to Nine Fingers,
- or more accurately it's MSCIM
- experiencing an epileptic fit to the
- soundtrack of the Spaceball's demo.
- Admittedly, it's only a digitised
- animation accompanied by a mod player
- and it ain't coded. But it's highly
- amusing seeing some mad guy dancing
- (if you can call it that) like he's
- off his head. Well, he's actually one
- of my contax and I can verify that he
- really is more loony than a COW (think
- about it!).
- Once the mag begins to load, the
- introduction screen is the spaceman
- picture from Personal Paint with an
- Amiga Frontier logo situated in the
- top right corner. After this, we're
- in! The muzik that forms the
- soundtrack of the magazine is well
- chosen in that it is background muzik.
- What I mean by this is that there are
- no booming rave or dance modules that
- grab your attention. Just some nice
- relaxing tunes that don't distract
- your concentration from the actual
- text itself. (It ain't something I
- can preach about though. I been
- guilty many a time of choosing ravy
- muziks!) Well, this is x'cept the
- second module which is a bit weird and
- comical, but this goes with the nature
- of the zany style of the magazine as a
- whole.
- I've got this far and I haven't even
- mentioned the articles yet. Well,
- this issue is of particular interest
- because they review Beyond Sanit-E 2
- and give an overwhelming NINETY
- PERCENT! (Thanx, we appreciated it!)
- Most of the articles, wether they are
- essentially a serious or humourous
- subject, are written in the style of:
- Why should we write this review, for
- example, as a plain report when we can
- have a laugh at the same time!
- The result is a diskmag that leans
- more on making you laugh rather than
- being solely informative, and this
- gives it character. The articles
- themselves tend to be based around the
- Amiga (as the name of the mag
- suggests) as far as the topics are
- concerned. These include, for
- example: news, software, hardware, PD
- and a special feature about the
- Internet (or Information Superhighway
- if ya wanna talk like a puff!).
- Then there are all the regular
- features such as the superstar
- joystick known as Kevin. Look guyz,
- you always have a cat as a mascot, not
- a joystick. Take Pazza of LSD and
- Steve of V12-PD for example. A cat!
- Not an inanimate object! It's just
- the tradition on the scene. See I
- told ya these guyz were crazy. I
- mean, what you're doing could be
- classed as exploitation. Does Kevin
- have a written and signed contract,
- witnessed by his solicitor? Imagine
- the uproar from the whole "gaming
- devices" community after the blatent
- show of naked plastic you aren't
- shamed to parade around your magazine.
- @3[Shut up zYLAX!! You're waffling
- again! zYLAX!]
- @1
- Overall, it's not coded in pure 680XX
- Assembler and it's doesn't use a
- custom written trackloader. But if
- you judge a diskmag on entertainment
- value rather than technical
- excellence, then you'll enjoy Amiga
- Frontier.
- @2
- =/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=
- @1
- The fourth incarnation of Amiga
- Frontier has one of my favourite
- intros to date. Basically it's the
- "Looks like a pile of shite!" song.
- You really have to hear it to know
- what the attraction is.
- I also thought that this was the most
- graphically pleasing issue so far in
- that the control panel and the
- introduction screens in the mag had
- some real design put into them.
- The special feature in this issue is
- about using your Amiga in video work.
- Actually, I'd better double-check the
- mag ain't called Amiga Format. Have
- you noticed how they seem to dedicate
- almost every issue of Amiga Doormat as
- a shrine to the camcorder!
- Anywayz, (and that, to any Amiga
- Frontier readers, is a much more
- sensible way of spelling ANYWAY. If
- ya don't know what I'm talking about
- then you'd better grab yourself a copy
- of Amiga Frontier. (Boy, was that the
- easiest tenner I've made!)) the actual
- mag follows the same format as issue
- five, as most Amiga Frontier's use the
- same format as each other.
- @2
- =/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=/-/=
- @1
- Well, I've only got one real critisium
- with Amiga Frontier as a whole, and it
- is that the mag seems to be set up to
- work on an A1200 and no machine below
- it. For example, I dunno if this was
- done intentionally but the second disk
- of AF5 was formatted to a specific KS3
- standard. Therefore, the mag wouldn't
- run on my A600 at all. But after
- altering the filing system of disk two
- into the Fast File System, it made the
- mag KS2 compatible automatically.
- Maybe, when I get an A1200 I'll go
- completely AGA-only but I'm a
- hypocrite like that!
- Finally, this is a great little mag
- that you could do a lot worse than to
- have a gander at.
- @3
- (Note to MSCIM: What d'ya think of
- diz review then? You see, I kept my
- promise and lied through my teeth!